Monday, April 18, 2011

Hair Revolution

Many agree than design is visual communication, and I think the same goes for hair. What began as a defense against the elements, evolved into a form of self-expression. The way someone styles (or doesn't style) his or her hair can say quite a bit about the person. Thinking about hair the past few weeks non-stop, I've had a lot of ideas swarming around in my head, but I think I've finally chosen the winner. I want to focus on hair and power, particularly hair as a political statement, as well as what's behind (or rather under) the hair. In the 20s, the bob symbolized women's liberation and individuality. In the 50s, the greaser style expressed rebellion. In the 60s, long hair was a countercultural symbol for peace and love. In the 70s, the afro gained popularity as a sign of power. Other styles like dreads, mohawks, and skinheads also fit under this revolutionary trend. Each of these styles exemplify the power of hair. I've included a poster by Shepard Fairey, who we all know from "Exit Through the Giftshop" and the Obama Hope posters. This piece shows Angela Davis, an activist affiliated with the Communist Party, the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Panthers. David was and is known for wearing a natural hairstyle as a symbol of pride and power. I want to further explore this topic as it relates to what design is good for.


  1. I feel that hair and power is a great focus for your project. I am across this quote and thought of your project, "A good hairstyle is like fine art."

  2. I am so curious to see how you work this into a capstone project. I like what you have said about hair and power and it is an original (dare I use the word) idea. Looking forward to what you come up with.

  3. I love the refinement of your idea. I think that your overall project will look really interesting. It is almost crazy to think that hair alone can demonstrate so many different statements by just being. Also, the picture you posted looks really intriguing. I love the attitude in her face combined with the color scheme and worn down effect.

  4. I really look forward to what you come up with for your project! There's also the concept of hair as a statement of class status (for instance, being able to afford having your hair done in a certain elaborate style).

  5. I think you have a great direction for your project Nina. People and their relationships to their hair is so interesting. I am not at all attached to my hair and change it a lot, but I know people who have the same hair style their whole life and it becomes their "symbol."

  6. I agree. Hair plays a huge role in society when making statements. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  7. Nina, you know how I feel about this topic! I think it's awesome that you want to explore it. I will share my story, because I feel like I can particularly relate to the topic of how hair is a style, a statement, and expression of individuality. My hair is definitely something that I have had so many mixed feelings about ever since I was little. I hated my curly hair growing up: I wanted easy straight hair like everyone else, and since then it has gotten even curlier! However, I have learned to embrace and love my curls for the fact that they are different. And to be honest, my hair is pretty easy to handle. But it took me a while to figure it out, and I've realized looking back that as my personality has matured and evolved, I wear my hair more proudly and confident!

  8. I can't wait to see how this will turn out!

  9. This should be a fun project for you. I thought about your project when I was watching an old Mad Men episode and Betty got her hair done up in Rome and it looked odd by our standards perhaps, but there she looked very elegant and others were looking at her in envy!

    It's also interesting to look through old yearbooks and see what was 'normal' and think about what generations after us will think of our over-straightening, bleaching, dying, etc.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This is great! I love your topic because my Mom is a hair dresser and she owned her own salon while I was growing up for 18 years! So I basically have grown up around hair because when I was little my sisters and I would have to go with her while she ran her business. That being said I have always thought that the way hair is styled gives someone more power in them self to go out in the world and be confident because to me if my hair isn't looking good than nothing else looks good me and that goes for people in general. It's just the way I learned growing up listening to my Mom critique what was good hair and what was bad hair which correlates with bad design and good design. You picked a great topic because design and hair go great together!

  12. Jess I also used to hate having curly hair and now I love it! Hair is definitely a powerful statement, and definitely when looking at movements throughout history hair can reveal a lot about the time.

  13. I love this example, you should check out movie posters from sexual/drug exploitation late 60's or blacksploitation films from the early 1970's. These films have some characters with really crazy hairstyles and they all represent a certain group or movement from the past.

  14. I am very excited to see your project. I have thick curly hair and at times I hate it, but it is part of who I am.

  15. Very interesting, dynamic images that you are using as inspiration for your Senior Capstone project. I can't wait to see how your project turns out!

  16. I too am excited to see your project. Hair definitely is a statement about who you are!

  17. Hair says alot about people this is a really cool idea for a project.

  18. This is a great idea for your capstone project and I cant wait to see where you go from here.
