Monday, May 9, 2011

While researching, I came across these “Tall Paintings” Psychedelic art by Holton Rower. I love the on purpose randomness that these painters have created. Though there is not much to them mechanically except what looks like wood stacked and cups of paint,. Through experimenting they have learned how much paint of each color in order to get their desired affects. The outcome of these paintings creates these stacks of paint dripped from one surface to the one beneath, they end up amazing colorful patterns.Here is the video if you want to watch them create these paintings

As for my project, I have decided to take the recommendation of creating furniture. I am recreating the chair in my room out of the clothes that usually end up living on it. If time and clothing permit I will also make a rug out of the clothes as well basically recreating the surfaces these clothes live on other than my closet. Pictures to come.


  1. i think thant not only will this be a cool idea for a project, but it will be something other can relate to. I know i can. My clothes end up elsewhere other than my closet also.

  2. The video of how they do that painting is amazing, I loved watching the paint move down the box that they were pouring it on. This is good inspiration for Sheri's capstone project too! I also thought it was funny that they had the paint in coffee cups. I can't wait to see how your capstone project turns out!

  3. After seeing the clip, now I want to create one of these large paintings!

  4. This piece looks so much better to me once I know how it is made. I want to start painting!

  5. That is the most amazing technique of painting! It is so organic and beautiful...thanks for posting that I love it!

  6. Interesting work. Reminds me of the inner rings of a tree stump

  7. I can't imagine how long that takes to dry. Knowing nothing about paints I was surprised that they didn't mix more. Awesome!

  8. I've seen these done online too! I was awestruck! it's such a cool idea that really has some interesting results.

  9. That was really beautiful to watch. Interested to see how you'll build a chair!

  10. That was amazing! Thanks for sharing and I too am excited to see your chair!

  11. It sort of looks like those cross section of rocks you can buy at natural history museums.

  12. Very good idea! Can't wait to see the chair and rug!

  13. Am I the only one amused by the fact that they keep the paint in coffee cups?

    I almost like the paintings better as a performance instead of a finished product.
